Real men have very clear ideas about what's important, and what's right and wrong, and will stand up for those things.
Some of these things take time ( and maturity? ) to develop, so if you are under the age of 30, some of this won't even register.
* Real men cut their own grass. As silly as it sounds, unless you have acreage and some kind of physical restriction, you should be cutting your own grass. The exception to that is when one of your kids is tall enough to start the lawnmower themselves, then your job is to help them do it correctly. And yes, real men use gas powered lawnmowers, electric ones are for little old ladies. My mother-in-law used a gas one until she was almost 70.
*Real men drive trucks. Cars and mini vans are for women. If you are still driving around in a sunfire or a civic with a big wing stuck on the back of it, first of all no one is impressed except you, and secondly you haven't matured into a man yet anyway, so you still have time. Besides, a car should only be something you drive when you can't ride your motorcycle.
*White wine is for two things, it is for women and for cooking. Pretty straight forward.
* Real men don't walk around with their pants half-way, or more, down their ass. When did the whole " I don't know how to dress myself" fashion thing happen, I guess I missed the memo on that one.
* Real men back into parking spots. Look around a mall parking lot next time you're out, count the men.
* Real men do not own any breed of dog with "itz" or "poo" in it. Dogs are not fashion accessories, but then it's also virtually impossible to carry around a 180lb Mastiff around in your european shoulder bag.
* Real men do not own any breed of dog with "itz" or "poo" in it. Dogs are not fashion accessories, but then it's also virtually impossible to carry around a 180lb Mastiff around in your european shoulder bag.
* Real men don't just "share" their feelings without having them extracted surgically first. Doesn't mean we don't have any, it just means they're ours and we want to keep them that way.
* When your wife asks what are you thinking about, and you reply "nothing", that's what you mean, nothing. Men have this empty space in our brains that's very quiet and no one else is allowed to go. Sometimes when you're discussing what colour curtains should go in the bedroom, we might just go there.
* Real men are not afraid to take charge when it's necessary. It's not about being the boss, it's about being a leader. But it's also important to know when to stand back and let things happen. You also lead by example. Is it a tough job, then show the world you can do it.
* Real men are not loud and obnoxious, they don't need to spout off about how much or how big something is, it sounds more like you are insecure and trying to compensate somehow. Being quiet shows confidence.
* Think back to the golden age of Hollywood, who were the real men in back then? John Wayne, Steve McQueen, Henry Fonda, Clark Gable, Burt Lancaster. They would still be considered men by today's standards, so why have we stepped so far away from that now.
* A real man will stand up for what's right. He will help those that need it, even at the risk of his own safety. He is never a bully, but he is always strong, physically and emotionally. He is someone you can count on. If you need help, you ask him, and he helps. Even at his own expense.
* A real man knows the importance of his family. He helps them he keeps them safe, he's not afraid to make an ass of himself for the sole purpose of entertaining his kids.
Be a MAN, the world needs more of us.
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